
♥♥My Love Song♥♥

星期五, 九月 02, 2011

20110901-Time Square With Weng Ni Yih Jia Sau Wei xD

Look Okay?xD

When i go tuition``
Tuition teacher ask me``
Weng Yee~~~~
Later go where arh?
wear like tis ``
everytime also like this ask me``
ask dou me sienz jor lo /.\

I and Yih Jia at guard house wait Sau Wei Daddy fetch us go TS``
We reach TS``
Than we go find Weng Ni``
Find jor Weng Ni``
We four take the elevator go MC Donald xD
when we reach the MC Donald that floor``
Me , Weng Ni and Sau Wei come out first``
When Yih Jia want come out``
The elevator door close ad``
Weng Ni fast go hit the door and say woi woi woi xD
Me and Sau Wei at there laugh laugh laugh xD
hahahahah xD
Yih Jia come out from the elevator ``
We keep laugh cant stop xD
until now think dou also wan laugh xD

We go MC Donald eat lunch xD
Weng Ni and Sau Wei go play pierced ears``
I scare that so they two go only ``
Our primary school friend --Phoebe
call come @@
Me and Yih Jia see dou so surprised``She dun have change dou xD
Same Same xD

We go toilet take photo``
Because Weng Ni say she wan change Profile Picture xD

After That``
We go Sungai Wang``
go there find my Pisces Shirt``
I from Sungai Wang find dou Time Square also find mm dou :'(
got a bit sad``
but I wan call my friend help me go Pasar malam buy @@
I must wan that shirt :P
Than ``
They go Sing K``
I go back home lo xD

Skype With My boubuii xD
Skype dou so late``
Skype dou morning 6 am just sleep xDD

Why so lenq Zaii and cute wan?xDD
The V picture is candid wan xD
another is I say i want take geh xD

Boubuii xD
Promise my thing must do yarh xD
I believe you can do it =D


